Menu planning for busy people

I've had a request from another blogger: (rawbitsoflife is the blogger, and I'm very excited) to share more about my menu planning that I talked about in my post entitled "Time". So here it is! I've not always been organised, it has taken years to get here! This post is to encourage and hopefully help … Continue reading Menu planning for busy people

How to grocery shop on a budget (successfully!)

Sheesh it's been a while! But with the weather warming up again I'm feeling a bit more motivated to share some of the success I've had with sticking to my grocery budget. Ready? 1. Determine how much you've been spending. You can do this in a number of ways - my preferred method is by … Continue reading How to grocery shop on a budget (successfully!)

Meal planning – a review

About 11 months ago there was a post in a facebook group that I'm in that asked how much people were spending on groceries. I estimated the amount to be about $150 a week. Then I sat down, downloaded my bank statement in .csv format and sorted it by where I was spending my money. … Continue reading Meal planning – a review

Top tips for Laundry.

Conquering "Mount Washing"? Before we get to the everyday grind, I'll go through some steps that have really been a game changer for our family. Are you ready? 1. Conquer your laundry cupboard. First, remove everything from the cupboards and give them a wipe down. Take stock of what you have space wise. And have … Continue reading Top tips for Laundry.

S.O.A.P.S. Bible Study Method

Fantastic way to study! Thanks Growing Godly Generations for this one…

Growing Godly Generations

S.O.A.P.S. Bible Study Method

Reading the Bible can be challenging. The Bible books sometimes have funny names. Holding the most sacred book of all history can be intimidating. While the Bible is profound enough for scholarly commentary and academics to debate, it is also simple enough for a child to read and understand the love of Jesus.

A simple method for reading and studying the Bible is called the S.O.A.P.S. method. This acronym can help you in your faith journey for growing closer to God through Scripture.

S: Scripture.bible_8

Read the Bible passage. Typically, this is a few verses or paragraph, sometimes a full chapter. Sometimes you may read the passage multiple times for it to sink in meaningfully. You may consider writing in a journal or underlining a key verse that stands out to you.

If you are skeptic or just starting out in faith, start with one…

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When things don't go according to plan, which inevitably they won't, what is your reaction? We've had knee surgery, coughs and colds, starting new jobs, and just general stress! My week has had it's share of not so nice days. The first of these days I spent time scrolling through gumtree ads dreaming of the … Continue reading Joy